Blackfabric is part of the second call for Galactica European projects
Blackfabric has been selected in the second call of the European projects Galactica, whose main objective is to support the creation of new industrial value chains in the textile, aeronautical and aerospace sectors based on advanced manufacturing.
It has been submitted to the Pioneer Acceleration call, which the scope is to support the exploration of new cross-sectoral value chains feasibility with focus on developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) connecting two or more of the sectors (aerospace, textile, advanced manufacturing).
In this second call for Galactica grants, 84 proposals from 152 SMEs have been submitted, from which the 25 best projects have been selected to receive grants, 11 in the Pioneer Acceleration line and 14 in the Orbital. Every funded proposal has gone through an in-depth evaluation process which included an assessment of the eligibility criteria and an external evaluation by a panel of 29 experts in each of the three fields of GALACTICA, that have applied the evaluation criteria, with a special focus on innovation, cross sectorial and cross-border aspects.
The objective of Blackfabric with the realization of this project is to validate a final prototype and scale up the production of bidirectional fabrics made with recycled carbon fibers up to a industrial environment. Improving the mechanical properties of the existing solutions in the market and therefore to offer an innovative solution with recycled material valid for the aerospace sector, in applications with low mechanical requirements.
Several publishers such as “LA VANGUARDIA”, “Diari de Terrassa” and “El CORREO de Andalucía” have cited our company in their press articles in view of the great success that Blackfabric has had together with 19 other Spanish SMEs in this edition of the European Galactica project.

Discover the entire collection of sustainable fabrics being developed by Blackfabric.